Indie – other means of transport


Traveling by hitchhiking in India is rare, because only a few Indians own their own cars. You can try to stop the truck, but doubts remain, will the driver understand, what's going on, or how much and whether in …

India by bike


India has a wide variety of scenic bike routes, such as narrow lanes high up in the mountains, wide highways with lots of roadside restaurants and motels, coastal routes, overgrown with coconut trees or winding dirt roads, winding between coffee plantations. The bike is there …

India by motorcycle


Motorcycles have recently become extremely popular with tourists traversing India. Nothing unusual, because this way of traveling not only gives you greater independence, but also allows you to get to know the real face of this exotic country. It is true that tourists often drive …

By car in India


Few tourists decide to bring their own cars to India. It is possible only after obtaining a pass entitling to temporary import of the vehicle to India without paying the duty. Its absence would expose the visitor to very serious expenses.


True in India …

By train in India


Indian Railways ranks fourth in the world in terms of the total length of railway lines, which in this country is as high as 60 000 km. Every day from Indian railway stations it departs over 7000 passenger trains, plying between 7100 stations and transporters 10,5 mln …

By bus in India


Traveling by train in India has long been an irresistible temptation for tourists, who are going to get to know this exotic country thoroughly. Trains with postal wagons, ancient locomotives, characteristic smells and sounds of railway stations, as well as the romantic names of the places passed by, that often …

India Air Communication


State airlines, they support connections both between Indian cities, as well as neighboring countries. Handling of domestic calls, especially routes: Mumbai-Delhi, Bombay-Kolkata, Delhi-Calcutta and Bombay-Madras, is handled by an international carrier – Indian water.

For many years, the only carrier operating in India apart from …