Travel to India by road


Unfortunately, the direct buses between Delhi and Kathmandu are not of very good quality, it's better to go on a journey on your own, especially since you will save some cash this way.

For more information on the routes to Nepal, see the chapters on the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar i Bengal. Tourists most often leave Raksaul (k. Muzaffarpuru), sonauli (k. Gorakhpur) and Kakarhitta (k. Siliguri).

Travel by train in the compartment 2. Delhi to Gorakhpur classes cost money 6 $, you have to pay the same for a bus going to the border, and from there heading to Kathmandu.

The crossings on Nepal's western border include: Nepalgandź, Dhangandhi and the most visited Mahendrenagar, situated opposite the village of Banbassa in Uttar Pradesh. This last route, which may not seem very encouraging at first, is one of the best roads connecting this area with Delhi. When the construction of the Mahendra highway is completed, this road will be open all year round, because currently it can only be used during the dry season. Getting from Delhi to Mahendrenagar takes 12 hours, from here you travel to Nepal 9 hours, and from Nepal to Kathmandu -16 hours. More information on this route can be found in the chapter on Uttar Pradesh.

Roads from northern Bihar to the Nepalese city of Birgandj are closed, like for example. road running through Dzogbani (near Purni) and Biratnagar, and also the narrow-gauge railway from Jaynagar (k. Darbhangi) to Janakpuru, Nepalese city – the birthplace of Sita.


Because relations between India and Pakistan are currently very tense, There is only one crossing at the border.

Lahore-Amritsar Traffic at the border crossing in Attari continues without interruption. However, it is worth inquiring about crossing the border or at the Pen-Jabab Ministry of the Interior, or in the Islamabad Indian High Comission, because the situation can change overnight.

On the train running from Lahore (Pakistan) do Amritsaru (Indie) two tickets must be purchased: one from Lahore to Attari, Indian border town, and the other from Attari to Amritsar. The train from Lahore departs daily at Fr. 11.30, on arriving in Amritsar, Fr. 15.00. The formalities related to crossing the border often take a long time. The return train departs from the station at 9.30, and the journey takes 4 hours. Pakistan's immigration and customs office is based in Lahore.

Tickets for the train from Amritsar are sold before departure;izdem the train. In exchange offices at the station, you can very profitably exchange the currency for Pakistani, though it may as well be done in the Librah, located on the border on the Pakistani side.

Few travelers use the India-Pakistan road. Tourists, who decide to do it on their own, have to take a bus to W.&gah, located halfway between Lahore and Amrit-sar, then cross the border and catch a bus or taxi to Amritsar.

Buses and minibuses from Lahore depart right outside the station, located at Badami Bagh. Traffic at the border crossing takes place 9.15 a 15.30. If someone fails to cross the border within this time limit, he can spend the night in the local PTDC Motel.


For many years between Rameswaram, located in South India, and the Sri Lankan ferry operated. However, when an armed conflict broke out in Sri Lanka, it was this way that weapons for Tamil partisan units were smuggled, fighting in the north of the country. In response, the Sri Lankan authorities stopped traffic on this route.

Ships arriving in India from Africa only carry cargo on board, taking no passengers. There has also been no connection between Penang and Madras for several years.


Departure tax to countries bordering India, so to Pakistan, Sri Links, Bangladesh and Nepal, totals 100 INR, and to all other countries – 300 INR.

This tax, collected at airports prior to customs clearance, all tourists pay, even children, which do not occupy a separate seat on the plane.


Whether, by what means of transport you will travel to India, take out an insurance policy, carefully choosing its type, paying attention, to cover the costs of providing assistance in the event of an accident, hospital treatment and patient transport. It is wise to make a copy of your policy, in case the original is lost. The cost of the insurance may seem very high, but only it allows hospital treatment in a foreign country.